H-Scribe Holter System
Full featured Holter analysis system with atrial fibrillation detection, pacemaker rhythm identification, heart rate variability measurement and rapid navigation to rhythm episodes – all standard and automatic.
Multiple scanning options
Retrospective, prospective and superimposition scanning modes to allow the user to scan the record in traditional and advanced scanning options.
Advanced Signal Processing
Mortara’s VERITASTM signal processing algorithms provide superior accuracy in beat detection and labeling and noise rejection resulting in improved identification of events and faster scanning of records.
Web Upload Option
Allows safe and secure Holter transfer over the internet or internet to unlimited number of client sites. No need to send recorders or flash cards to the analysis system saving shipping costs and giving you a faster turnaround time for delivery results.
Full Connectivity
Bidirectional interface to your hospital information system for receipt of orders and output of results.